Tag: recitals

The Nitty-Gritty of Cleaning Choreography for Recitals, Competitions and Collegiate Dance Numbers

From the moment the LSU Tiger Girls begin their national-title–winning number, “Like a Boy,” every dancer is in perfect unison. (And we’re talking not-one-hair-out-of-place kind of unison.) They strut forward with their arms placed sharply by their sides on count one, and it’s difficult to find where one dancer starts and the other begins. That […]

Dear Teachers: It's OK to Grieve Your Recital

As dance studios all over the world began to close, teachers scrambled to support their students and transition dance education—seemingly overnight—online. You’ve likely spent some sleepless nights worrying about your students, stressing over how to make their living-room barre impactful, or staring bleary-eyed at Zoom trying to prepare for class the next day. Much concern […]

How 3 Studios Have Reimagined Recitals This Year

Planning a recital pre-COVID-19 was enough to make even the most well-organized dance studio owner feel stressed. Add a global pandemic into the mix, and you’ve got a recipe for a nervous breakdown—not to mention a serious revenue shortfall. Good thing studio owners have resilience and creativity to spare: These three owners reimagined and restructured […]

This Is the Way Forward

Business leader Misty Lown convened (remotely) more than 700 dance studio owners to create an action plan in response to COVID-19 studio closures. ICYMI, here are the takeaways: Studios can deliver value to customers with online content. Owners can preserve enrollment with caring communication. The federal stimulus package is a strong short-term safety net. At […]

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