Tag: health & body

Back to School: How to Ease Your Students’ Transitions and Promote a Healthy Studio Environment

As the summer ends and the school year begins, it’s time to prioritize adjustments in your new schedule. Between fall registration, class placements and calls with prospective families, this time of year can feel overwhelming. Your incoming students will also experience adjustments as they now must balance academic coursework with their busy dance schedules. Here […]

Learning to Breathe From the Diaphragm Has Many Benefits for Dancers

Just when young dancers need oxygen the most—during a challenging balance or speedy petit allégro—it often seems they instinctively hold their breaths. Sometimes this happens as a reaction to stress; other times it might simply result from a constant sucking in of the waistline. No matter, it is an important habit for dance teachers to […]

Dear Teachers: It's OK to Grieve Your Recital

As dance studios all over the world began to close, teachers scrambled to support their students and transition dance education—seemingly overnight—online. You’ve likely spent some sleepless nights worrying about your students, stressing over how to make their living-room barre impactful, or staring bleary-eyed at Zoom trying to prepare for class the next day. Much concern […]

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