Tag: mark morris dance group

Office Hours With David Leventhal, Program Director for Dance for Parkinson’s

David Leventhal was a member of the Mark Morris Dance Group (MMDG) from 1997–2010, appearing in more than 40 works. He performed principal roles in The Hard Nut, L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, and Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet, on Motifs of Shakespeare.   In 2001, Leventhal became one of the founding teachers of MMDG’s Dance for PD […]

Teaching Your Students to Dance Without Music

When Emilie Gerrity performed in Jerome Robbins’ Moves, it was her first time dancing a work without music. “It was super-exciting and just different from anything else I had ever experienced before,” she remembers. Dance and music are deeply interconnected, so it’s likely that dance students might not have much experience performing in silence. But […]

NYU Is Using Dance to Research 3D Video Tech—and Expand the Possibilities of Dance Education

Dance is a fairly analog art form. We typically rely on being in the same space together to learn or perform, and usually pass down knowledge directly from one body to another. So it’s somewhat surprising that a new four-year research project at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering, funded by a $1.2 million […]

Being a Great Dancer Doesn’t Automatically Mean You’re a Gifted Teacher

Recently, I asked fellow dancers on Facebook for a one-word self-assessment of the first class they ever taught. “Chaotic,” “humbling” and “copycat” were just some of their responses. I was not surprised. For my first-ever class, intermediate ballet for my fellow college students in 2011, I was armed with little more than my own experiences […]

6 Touring Companies to See This Month

Catch the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Company performing Analogy/Dora: Tramontane (2015) in St. Louis; Akron, OH; Fairfax, VA; Pittsburgh; and New York City. Newyorklivearts.org Dance Theatre of Harlem brings mixed repertory this month to Elmira, NY; Charleston, SC; Washington, DC; Atlanta; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. Dancetheatreofharlem.org See one of three different programs, including the […]

What My Teacher Taught Me: Aaron Loux

Loux in Mark Morris’ Pacific Mark Morris Dance Group’s Aaron Loux didn’t take ballet until he was 17, while studying at the Cornish Preparatory Dance Program. His teacher Marie Chong helped shatter his preconceived notions about the classic dance form. “I spent so many years resisting ballet and thinking it was stiff and boring compared […]

Dancing with Parkinson’s

Program director David Leventhal (right) dances with a Dance for PD participant. It’s official—research confirms that dance is highly beneficial for people suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Twelve participants completed two 75-minute dance classes a week for eight weeks. None had tried dance before. By the study’s end, they showed improvement in overall movement, walking ability […]

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