Tag: dance technique

Ask Deb: How Can I Convince Parents of the Value of Technique Class vs. Learning Choreography?

Q: How can I help parents understand that time spent in technique class is as valuable as learning choreography for competitions? A: Parents love to see their children onstage almost as much as students love to perform. That being said, no amount of flashy choreography is going to sustain the long-term development of a young […]

Daniel Catanach Is Inspired by Dancers Who Push Themselves—Here He Teaches a Tour en L’Air

“Fifth! Fifth!” Daniel Catanach shouts during a brisk tendu exercise in his advanced-intermediate ballet class at Steps on Broadway. “That’s ‘fifth’ with a ‘th’!” he adds, making several students’ tense faces relax into smiles. Watching Catanach in action, two things are clear: He’s all about precision, and he wants dancers to enjoy his class. He’s […]

Vicky Shick Teaches a Contemporary Warm-Up Sequence

Vicky Shick’s voice echoes in the cavernous dance space of St. Mark’s Church in New York City’s East Village. A sinking plié gets a heavy “uhhhhh,” while a swing-and-recover movement is accompanied by a joyous “whoo!” It doesn’t take long for the students to join in with deep sighs and sharp yelps of their own. […]

Has the Quest for Versatility Erased Dancers’ Movement Signatures?

“Dancers can do everything these days,” I announced to whoever was in earshot at the Jacob’s Pillow Archives during a recent summer. I had just been dazzled by footage of a ballet dancer performing hip hop, remarkably well. But my very next thought was, What if that isn’t always a good thing? What if what […]

University of South Carolina's Lindsay Sprague Teaches a Dance-Team Trick

It’s nearing 5 pm on a Sunday in February, and Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” reverberates through University of South Carolina’s volleyball gym, where the Carolina Girls dance team is rehearsing a Nationals routine. What’s most striking isn’t the dancers’ radiating energy or the team’s precise unanimity. Instead, it’s the complexity of the choreography—the weaving formations, transitions, […]

How Gail Accardi Teaches Anatomy Awareness

To a certain subset of the New York City dance community, Gail Accardi is known as the Body Whisperer. For her part, Accardi calls her work “creative physical problem solving.” Whether she’s leading her Anatomy Awareness class for dancers, substitute-teaching Simonson Technique, or working with a private client one-on-one, Accardi has a clear vision: “I […]

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