Tag: higher ed

Here's Why and How You Should Bring Health and Wellness Into Your College Dance Department

It’s the middle of the semester and two dancers are sitting out of class, you’re worried about one student’s mental health and another has developed an eating disorder. Sound familiar? College can be a tumultuous time. To help address the additional demands of being a dance major, some schools have found strategies for enhancing wellness […]

The CUNY Dance Initiative Is Calling All Artists in October

Space to rehearse and perform. Guest teaching gigs. Relationship building. Deepened college curriculum. Financial support. These are valuable gifts to artists and college departments alike. The CUNY Dance Initiative (CDI), now heading into its sixth year, successfully embraces and supports both artists and students, dance companies and theater/arts departments. They have become a model example […]

After a Performance Career, Guest-Teaching in Academia Suits Kendra Portier

As an artist in residence at the University of Maryland in College Park, Kendra Portier is in a unique position. After almost a decade of performing with David Dorfman Dance and three years earning her MFA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, she’s using her two-year gig at UMD (through spring 2020) to “see […]

How Connecticut College's Lisa Race Passes Confidence on to Her Students

Growing up in New Jersey, Lisa Race trained with a memorable dance teacher: Fred Kelly, the younger brother of famous tapper Gene. “Fred would introduce our recitals,” she says. “He would always cartwheel down the stairs.” It wasn’t until years later, when Race was pursuing her master’s degree and chose to write a research paper […]

It’s National Higher Education Day: Here Are 14 College Dance Programs (And Their Instagram Handles) You Should Know

It’s National Higher Education Day, and we are here to celebrate! From dance programs so famous that even your dog knows about them, to the hidden gems in the middle of the country that prepare students to go on to larger-than-life careers, we are grateful for schools that support the arts. To celebrate the day, […]

Ivan Pulinkala Started a Dance Department From Scratch at Kennesaw State University

When Ivan Pulinkala was preparing for his interview at Kennesaw State University to create the school’s first dance program, he figured the whole thing would be a lark, at best. After all, the New Delhi–born choreographer had just gotten his green card, which meant he could teach anywhere, and Kennesaw, Georgia (a half-hour outside of […]

How Tom Welsh Built a Dance Science Program from Scratch

When Florida State University professor Tom Welsh arrived in Tallahassee in 1991, dance science was uncharted territory. “Mostly, it was technique teachers who were looking for ways to keep their dancers dancing,” he says. “It was just a field people imagined could happen.” He immediately set to work building the university’s dance science program from […]

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