Tag: teaching tips

Dana Wilson Answers Your Biggest Zoom Questions

A lot goes into crafting a successful Zoom class. You can’t simply download the app and launch into your usual syllabus. Is your teaching space set up properly? Are you wearing an outfit that will pop on-screen? These and other factors can make or break your students’ experience. Commercial performer, choreographer and master teacher Dana […]

If You Thought Teaching Dance Online Was a Challenge, Try Teaching Tap: Three Tappers Share What Works

Like most educators, I have been teaching online since early March. My undergraduate Dance and Culture course was relatively easy to deliver remotely (as long as I could pre-record lectures while my son was taking a nap), but my tap classes? Not so much. This is because tap is a percussive dance form. Sound matters. […]

7 Ways to Challenge Your Students to Think on Their Feet

1. Turn their backs to the mirror. When students face away from the mirror, they have to remember the dance without watching each other. —Kasey Cosentino, Silicon Valley Dance Academy, Cupertino, California 2. Introduce improvisation exercises. Not only does it warm up their bodies, but also their ears—to hear and feel the music—and their imaginations. […]

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