Tag: higher ed

Oldest College Dance Program in the U.S. in Jeopardy

The 2015 dance majors gather onstage for a curtain call after their senior concert. On Monday, October 19, the Mills College Dance Department in Oakland, CA received the unexpected news that administration plans to phase out the undergraduate dance major. As part of a plan for numerous revisions to existing programs, the dance major and a […]

A Collegiate Affair

Taking students to a college dance fair can help them make connections and decide where to apply. Colorado Dance Expo participants sample a Colorado Mesa University jazz class. The questions seem endless for dancers applying to college. On top of worries like class size, location and tuition, they must consider ideas an English major doesn’t […]

The Audition Solo

What do college panels want to see? Solos allow students to show faculty that they’re more than just a number. “For Freshman/Sophomore dancers auditioning for the BFA program,” reads Florida State University’s School of Dance website, “solos should be between 1–2 minutes in length. The choreography may be their own or by someone else. All […]

Scientists Experiment with Movement for "Dance Your PhD" Contest

Popular 2012 submission by Rianne t’Hoen If “to dance is to live; to live is to dance,” then who better to explore movement than scientists, those inquisitors of life? This year marks the 5th annual international “Dance Your PhD” contest, sponsored by Science magazine. Those eligible are PhD candidates whose studies fit, if only loosely, […]

The Great Debate

When a parent says “no” to dance in college Former New World dean Daniel Lewis has consulted many families on college dance options. When Robert Battle was a high school student at New World School of the Arts in Miami, his mother was concerned about the lack of stability a dance degree could bring him. […]

Beyond the Trophies

Embracing competition circuit students into college dance “Sometimes my class is honestly quite unsatisfying to former competition dancers.” —Meghan Durham Sophomore Lindsay Deitchman says it took her a full semester to feel comfortable at Ohio State University’s dance program. Competing with studios in Westchester, New York, she had little modern dance training and didn’t understand […]

Blurring Boundaries

Philadelphia’s Headlong Performance Institute crosses disciplines to create whole artists. The first assignment students get when arriving at Headlong Performance Institute is to create a three-minute self-portrait. They can use whatever idiom they choose—dance, theater, song, visual art or a mix of genres. And that’s just the beginning. They’ll spend the next 14 weeks studying […]

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