Tag: dance major

College Application Advice from Dance Program Admissions Officers

Applying for a college dance program can feel like a guessing game. Should you highlight all your competition titles and awards? How important are your academic grades? And how should you act in the audition? Here’s advice from admissions officers from some of the top dance programs in the country about how to make your […]

Oldest College Dance Program in the U.S. in Jeopardy

The 2015 dance majors gather onstage for a curtain call after their senior concert. On Monday, October 19, the Mills College Dance Department in Oakland, CA received the unexpected news that administration plans to phase out the undergraduate dance major. As part of a plan for numerous revisions to existing programs, the dance major and a […]

The Great Debate

When a parent says “no” to dance in college Former New World dean Daniel Lewis has consulted many families on college dance options. When Robert Battle was a high school student at New World School of the Arts in Miami, his mother was concerned about the lack of stability a dance degree could bring him. […]

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