Tag: health

Summer Cross-Training

Encouraging students to stay active during vacation will help them smoothly return to dance in the fall. Running keeps Ailey’s Alicia Graf Mack strong during off-season. The leggy and lean Alicia Graf Mack needs to keep herself in top form when Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater has time off. When she returns to rehearsal in […]

In Weekly Workouts, Less May be More

New research suggests cramming in a workout every day of the week may result in burning fewer daily calories, but not for the reasons you may think. Published in Exercise & Science in Sports & Medicine, the study found that previously inactive subjects (female senior citizens) who began exercising two or four times a week […]

Trashing the Ash

Help students quit smoking. Today’s young people are more aware of the health risks of smoking than any other previous generation, yet 6.4 million of them are expected to die from smoking-related diseases, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Research shows that nearly all first-time tobacco use occurs before high school graduation, which […]

Tap Happy Feet

Tappers may use their feet more than any other type of dancer, as they slide, jump, slap, stomp and balance on the balls of their feet, quickly shifting into various positions. “Tappers use all points of the foot in contact with the floor in different percussive or frictional ways,” says Megan Richardson, a clinical specialist […]

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