Tag: workout

How an Injury Led This Dancer to a Career as an In-Demand Fitness Instructor

Dancers crossing over into the fitness realm may be increasingly popular, but it was never part of French-born Julie Granger‘s plan. Though Granger grew up a serious ballet student, taking yoga classes on the side eventually led to a whole new career. Creating her own rules along the way, Granger shares how combining the skills […]

5 Non-Slip Socks for Contemporary Class

Oh, socks: What are we gonna do with you? Many dancers—ourselves definitely included—have a love-hate relationship with this unassuming member of the footwear family. On the one hand, they feel oh-so-essential for pulling off endless turns in contemporary class. On the other hand, we’ve heard our fair share of horror stories from fellow dancers of […]

In Weekly Workouts, Less May be More

New research suggests cramming in a workout every day of the week may result in burning fewer daily calories, but not for the reasons you may think. Published in Exercise & Science in Sports & Medicine, the study found that previously inactive subjects (female senior citizens) who began exercising two or four times a week […]

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