Tag: education

Mickela Mallozzi of PBS’ “Bare Feet” to Teach Intercultural Communication Through Dance at NYU

Mickela Mallozzi, the host and executive producer of the PBS series “Bare Feet with Mickela Mallozzi,” has fostered cross-cultural exchange through dance on her show since 2014. Now, she will impart her knowledge to students at New York University Steinhardt’s School of Culture, Education, and Human Development with a new course, Intercultural Dance (also titled […]

4 Reasons to Attend a Dance Conference

Professions across the globe hold yearly conferences, and the dance industry is certainly no exception. Annual conferences exist for dance teachers, dance medicine professionals, dance educators and more. Taking the time out to attend them can be well worth your while for a number of different reasons. Let’s take a closer look at four of […]

The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship for NDEO and Dizzy Feet

Nigel Lythgoe with NDEO executive director Susan McGreevy-Nichols (third from right) and NDEO staffPeanut butter and jelly. Barnum and Bailey. Rodgers and Hammerstein. And now, NDEO and Dizzy Feet. As part of the National Dance Education Organization’s conference this year in Miami, Nigel Lythgoe announced a new partnership between his Dizzy Feet Foundation and NDEO […]

AileyCamp Celebrates 25 years in Kansas City

Former Ailey principal Nasha Thomas-Schmitt with Newark AileyCampers Though Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater enjoys super-star status as a company, its leaders know great dance often grows from humble beginnings. As part of the organization’s Arts in Education department, AileyCamp is designed to serve inner-city middle-school students nationwide. This summer, the oldest AileyCamp location, Kansas […]

Boys Will Be Boys

Selwyn’s outreach students get excited about male choreographers. Keep male students engaged in dance class. It’s your first day at a new school. You’ve gone over your lesson plan and moved the desks out of the way. Now, you’re staring at a sea of young faces, several of whom—mostly the boys—are eyeing you warily. Chances […]

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