Tag: dt summit

Seen and Heard at the Dance Teacher Summit: Carole Royal

Dance Teacher Summit ambassador Carole Royal has been a Summit attendee for years, and she never fails to implement what she learns in business seminars and from other teachers. “The Dance Teacher Summit has completely changed my business,” she says. “I’ve utilized many suggestions from teachers across the country, like creating a new program for preschoolers and updating […]

Seen and Heard at the Dance Teacher Summit: Tiffany Henderson

Every year at our Dance Teacher Summit, a crew of experienced studio owners act as ambassadors, leading seminars throughout the event and chatting with teachers at a booth in the exhibit hall. When DT spoke with ambassador Tiffany Henderson, owner/director of Tiffany’s Dance Studio, she shared memorable moments and useful info she gleaned from her […]

Calling All Choreographers: It’s Capezio A.C.E. Season

How does a $15,000 production budget toward your own performance in New York City sound? Capezio’s Award for Choreographic Excellence competition is officially underway, and entering is as simple as uploading a video of your best group choreography. After the May 28 deadline, Dance Teacher’s staff will help Capezio choose 15 finalists to compete on August 1 at the Dance Teacher Summit in […]

Choreographer Erica Sobol Wins 2013 A.C.E. Award

At this year’s Dance Teacher Summit, contemporary choreographer Erica Sobol walked away with first prize at the Capezio A.C.E. Award Competition, winning $15,000 to produce a show in New York. Sobol, who has her own Los Angeles-based company, collidEdance, took a moment to talk with DT. Sobol’s all-male cast performingBlack Flies/Heavy Skies at the DT […]

Photo Memories: DT Summit

It’s less than seven weeks until the 2013 Dance Teacher Summit, where the pages of DT magazine come to life! Get psyched with this photo album of famous faces from last year’s event, and visit danceteachersummit.com to register. We’ll see you in New York, August 5–7. [slideshow_deploy id=’4929′]

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