Tag: dance studio

6 Steps to Repair Your Studio or Store’s Business Reputation

Even the shiniest business reputation has been dulled and dented by the disruptions of the pandemic. But your reputation is a crucial business asset, and it pays to know that you can repair it—and keep improving it. Your reputation is the lifeblood of your dance business, and every day—one customer, one client at a time—you work hard […]

11 Holiday Marketing (and Revenue) Ideas for Dance Studios and Retailers

Here’s how to inspire your local dance community to spend just a little bit more time and money at your store or studio. Don’t wait until Black Friday or Small Business Saturday to take action. Back-to-dance season may still be in full swing, but we all know what that means: The holiday season is just […]

5 Ways Dance Studio Clients Have Changed Since COVID

Since the pandemic emerged, your customers have had to adapt over and over again. Here’s what to know about how they’ve changed—and how to meet their new needs. The pandemic has had an outsized impact on dance and business. Through lockdowns, cancellations, vaccinations and transformations, everyone in the dance industry has been affected—including your customers.  […]

How Three Studios Pulled Off Their Virtual Recitals

Year-end recitals are an important milestone for dancers to demonstrate what they’ve learned throughout the year. Not to mention the revenue boost they bring—often 15 to 20 percent of a studio’s yearly budget. But how do you hold a spring recital when you’re not able to rehearse in person, much less gather en masse at […]

So You Just Started a Dance Studio—Here Are Some Ideas for How to Get the Word Out

You’ve got the teaching talent, the years of experience, the space and the passion—now all you need are some students! Here are six ideas for getting the word out about your fabulous, up-and-coming program! We simply can’t wait to see all the talent you produce with it! 1. Post on your personal social-media accounts Whether […]

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