You’ve got the teaching talent, the years of experience, the space and the passion—now all you need are some students!
Here are six ideas for getting the word out about your fabulous, up-and-coming program! We simply can’t wait to see all the talent you produce with it!
1. Post on your personal social-media accounts
Whether you have a large following or just a few hundred people check out your day-to-day life, sharing the news of your new studio online is the best way to get the ball rolling. Share the information on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and any other feeds you contribute to. You’ll be surprised how many people will view and potentially share your post with others.
2. Create a website and social-media accounts for your studio
Have a place online that your potential clients can be directed to for information about your studio. This is the simplest way for people to learn what you’re all about, how they can sign up and when classes start. The easier it is for your parents and dancers, the more likely they are to join you.
3. Put up fliers around your community
This may seem like a dated way to get the word out, but in truth it’s a tried-and-true strategy for reaching sources you may not be connected to personally or online. Put fliers in local grocery stores, ask schools if you can put some up on their bulletin boards, and ask other arts programs if they might be willing to let you keep fliers at their place of business (i.e. music studios and acting programs).
4. Tap into your community connections
Whether it’s your church congregation, a community center, a local gym or even a parents group you’re part of, don’t be afraid to fill them in on the exciting development you are working on. People like to support artists they know and can trust.
5. Ask friends and family to spread the word
Your friends and family are your biggest cheerleaders, which means they are an excellent help for recruiting. Ask them to put in a good word for you through their own community connections, and soon you will have developed a strong group of students.
6. As dancers join your studio, encourage them to invite their friends
It can be intimidating for young dancers to begin their training without any close friends around. As you have students sign up, encourage them to invite their friends to join the party.