Tag: dance/nyc

3 AHA Moments from the Dance/NYC 2017 Symposium

Hundreds of NYC-based dance artists, choreographers, teachers, administrators and advocates gathered at Gibney Dance Center for the Dance/NYC 2017 Symposium. The event’s lectures and panel discussions covered topics ranging from racial equity to making dance space affordable to improving accessibility for disabled audiences. Here are 3 takeaways from the day. Dance education for every child! […]

Educating Dancers with Disabilities

Last night, I experienced the third town hall forum in Dance/NYC’s Disability. Dance. Artistry. series. Before taking questions from the audience, panelists Victoria Marks and David Dorfman talked with moderator Alice Sheppard about the challenges and joys of educating dancers with disabilities. Moderator Alice Sheppard (dance artist/advocate), David Dorfman (Professor of Dance/Chair of Dance Department at Connecticut College), Victoria […]

Where Race and Disability Intersect

At the first Disability. Dance. Artistry Town Hall in July, Simi Linton, Marc Brew and Dianne McIntyre discussed dance makers on disability. Last night I attended Dance/NYC’s second Disability. Dance. Artistry. Town Hall event at New York Live Arts. The topic of discussion—disability, race and the practice of dance—brought together Dr. Carrie Sandahl, associate professor of disability […]

Dance/NYC Sheds Light on Dance and Disability

Heidi Latsky Dance Dance/NYC announces a new, three-year disability initiative to increase arts access and inclusion for disabled people. The organization recently released a report, Discovering Disability: Data and NYC Dance, which introduces a call to action on four counts: Expand the scope of dance creation that includes disabled artists; improve dance education for disabled […]

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