Tag: americans with disabilities act

AXIS Dance Company and Heidi Latsky Dance at NYU Skirball Center

AXIS dancers Nick Brentley and Dwayne Scheuneman To honor the 25-year anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, mixed-ability dance companies AXIS Dance Company and Heidi Latsky Dance present a multimedia dance/art installation and three choreographic works at the NYU Skirball Center on November 15. A walk-through lobby installation, On Display, features the differently abled […]

Dance/NYC Sheds Light on Dance and Disability

Heidi Latsky Dance Dance/NYC announces a new, three-year disability initiative to increase arts access and inclusion for disabled people. The organization recently released a report, Discovering Disability: Data and NYC Dance, which introduces a call to action on four counts: Expand the scope of dance creation that includes disabled artists; improve dance education for disabled […]

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