Halloween is just a few weeks away, which means it’s officially time to start prepping your fabulously spooky costumes! Skip the classic witch, unicorn and superhero outfits, and trade them in for some ghosts of dance legends past. Wear your costumes to class, and use them as a way to teach a dance history lesson, or ask your students to dress up as their favorite dancer from history, and perform a few eight counts of their most famous repertoire during class. Your students will absolutely love it, and you’ll be able to get in some real educating despite the distraction of the holiday!
Check out some ideas we had for who might be a good fit. We can’t wait to see who you all dress up as!
1. Bob Fosse
With Fosse/Verdon released this past April, Bob Fosse has once again burst into the pop-culture spotlight. His choreography is iconic, his look is fairly simple to re-create and, thanks to Hollywood’s latest dance series, you’ll be quickly recognized by more than just dance-world insiders.
2. Martha Graham
I mean, is there anyone more interesting to imitate than Martha Graham? Yeah, we don’t think so either. Wear a long and flowy dress and consistently drop into a pose every few minutes, and everyone will be sure to know who you are!
3. Mikhail Baryshnikov
To imitate Mikhail Baryshnikov for Halloween, you’re going to need to jump higher than seems humanly possible, have flawless technique and interpret choreography magnificently. Simple enough, right? Wear a tank top and a towel around your shoulders and you’re good to go!
4. Bill “Bojangles” Robinson
Put a smile on everyone’s faces by dressing up as your favorite boundary-breaking tapper. Known for his successful vaudeville, Broadway and film career, Robinson developed an on-your-toes tapping style that you can demonstrate in class for your students.
5. Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire
Need a couples costume? Look no further than the iconic duo that is Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Challenge yourself to learn some of their choreography (there is PLENTY of footage on YouTube to pull from) and dance the night away!
6. Raven Wilkinson
This trailblazing ballerina has been a role model to so many—introduce your dancers to her this Halloween. This costume is a beautiful way to memorialize her life as we approach the one-year anniversary of her passing.