Tag: stephanie troyak

Has the Quest for Versatility Erased Dancers’ Movement Signatures?

“Dancers can do everything these days,” I announced to whoever was in earshot at the Jacob’s Pillow Archives during a recent summer. I had just been dazzled by footage of a ballet dancer performing hip hop, remarkably well. But my very next thought was, What if that isn’t always a good thing? What if what […]

These Are Dance Magazine's "25 to Watch" Picks for 2019

Every year we love to see Dance Magazine‘s coveted list of the dancers, choreographers and companies that are on the verge of skyrocketing in the field of dance. This year’s picks are nothing short of exceptional. Congratulations to these 25 up-and-coming artists! Evan Ruggiero Photo by Jayme Thornton Evan Ruggiero’s story started as something out […]

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