Tag: Sarah Lane

Former ABT Principal Sarah Lane on Becoming the New School Director at Ballet Rhode Island

In the summer of 2020, Sarah Lane quietly departed American Ballet Theatre and leapt into the world of freelancing. The move shocked many; during her 18 years at ABT, Lane had acquired a devoted fanbase in New York City and beyond. She managed to stay busy—and even thrive—throughout the remainder of the pandemic as an […]

Stage Fright: Why Reducing Performance Anxiety Takes More Than Just a Few Deep Breaths

Sweaty palms and a racing heart rate before a performance is a common experience, but serious stage fright can paralyze some dancers and discourage them from getting onstage at all. So how can teachers and coaches support students whose preshow jitters are getting in their way? Signs and Symptoms of Performance Anxiety  Stage fright, also […]

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