Tag: peridance capezio center

Anabella Lenzu Sets the Mood in Class by Sticking With One Album

Anabella Lenzu doesn’t use playlists in her dance classes. Instead, she puts on full albums. “I feel like if I play different songs from different composers, it’s too distracting,” she says. On the other hand, she feels like “one album is an exploration.” She wants class to be a journey—akin to a show. Even if […]

Peridance Celebrates 40th Anniversary with the Legacy Festival

In 1983, Israeli dancer and choreographer Igal Perry opened the doors to his brand-new Peridance Center in downtown New York City. Two students attended his first class. “That was a bit frightening,” he admits, laughing. “But now, I have little to worry about.” Peridance has since grown into an irreplaceable fixture in the local dance […]

How Peridance Capezio Center's Ms. Vee Teaches This Standard Popping Move

The twist-o-flex is a standard popping move in which you divide your body into three sections and turn each section individually. Although you can rotate in any order, Ms. Vee’s variation of twist-o-flex rotates the lower body (hips and feet) first, then the head and finally the upper body (shoulders, ribs and arms). “It’s kind […]

Peridance's Suzana Stankovic Unifies Diverse Dancers With This Simple Trick

Unifying a diverse group of dancers in a drop-in class can be a challenge, but Suzana Stankovic takes it in stride in her open adult-beginner ballet class at Peridance Capezio Center in New York City. “I get all kinds of students,” she says. “That’s one of the reasons why I love teaching open adult classes.” […]

Teachers’ Tools: Up Close With Shirlene Quigley

For dancing in heels, Quigley (right) prefers high boots. Teachers share the philosophies and materials that make them successful in their careers and classes. You’d think a “Stiletto Heels” class would be excruciatingly painful. Surely spending an hour or more in a pair of sky-high heels, performing Beyoncé-esque choreography full-out can’t feel good. And yet, New […]

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