Tag: partnering

Teaching Communication Tools for Partnering

Partnering is a unique skill, both to learn and to teach. As a teacher, you’re in the position to help students adjust to moving with another dancer in close proximity, providing them with the skills necessary to form a successful partnership. “Teaching partnering is tough,” says Patric Palkens, a dancer with Atlanta Ballet. “You’re teaching […]

How to Navigate Romantic Relationships in the Studio or Classroom

Hubbard Street Dance Chicago’s Jacqueline Burnett was 22 when she met her future husband, David Schultz. It was her first season in the company; Schultz had just joined Hubbard Street 2. “I swept her off her feet,” Schultz says. “That’s not true,” says Burnett, laughing. Over time, the two young dancers became friends and eventually […]

How to Teach Your Students to Share Weight

No matter how well-trained your students are, when they’re suddenly faced with dancing with another human, panic can ensue. Whether they’re learning to partner in ballet, taking their first contact improvisation class or delving into a ballroom style, the foundation of almost all partnering is weight-sharing, the basics of which extend across genres. Introduce your […]

COUNTDOWN TO 2017 #1: Learn an Easy-But-Impressive Lift in 3 Minutes

We’re counting down to January 1st with great ideas for your studio and teaching practice in the new year. The side hip suspension is a basic lift, common in contemporary dance, that requires both partners to use their weight efficiently—the key to effortless and dynamic partnering. Let Talli Jackson, a member of the Bill T. […]

What My Teacher Taught Me: Connor Walsh

Walsh in Manon with Amy Fote Before entering the ranks of Houston Ballet, principal Connor Walsh trained for three years with Houston Ballet academy instructor Claudio Muñoz. In his partnering class, Walsh learned to prioritize emotional connection. “His combinations in partnering class were like choreographic workshops. We were challenged to express and interact with our partners right […]

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