Tag: New York City Dance alliance

NYCDA’s 30th Season Is a Celebration for the Whole Dance Community

If you’ve ever watched a Broadway musical, dance company performance, or dance TV show, chances are you’ve seen at least one New York City Dance Alliance alum at work. NYCDA excels at helping dancers naturally transfer their competition and convention experiences into the professional industry. Their not-so-secret key to success? Years of relationship-building and community outreach by […]

NYCDA Foundation's Annual "Destiny Rising" Performance Was All Kinds of Inspiring

Every January, students, parents, professionals, and lovers of dance all gather for the New York City Dance Alliance Foundation‘s annual fundraising performance “Destiny Rising” at The Joyce Theater. And every year we fall a little bit more in love with the foundation’s mission: “Investing in the next generation of professional performers by offering scholarships for […]

Fashion Roundup: DT's Fav Teaching Outfits of the Month

As dance teachers, your fashion life is a constant rotation of leggings, joggers and baggy T-shirts. You essentially LIVE in your teaching attire. And you know what? We wouldn’t have it any other way. Ya’ll are straight killin’ it! Honestly, we are so impressed with your teaching fashion choices, we decided to share our favorites […]

9 Teachers Discuss Their Most Frequent Corrections

Dance Teacher asked nine respected instructors to identify the most common technique mistakes they see when addressing a group of students for the first time. Here, they discuss the origins of these problems and offer their best solutions. …crunching their toes. Watmora Casey Artistic Director, Faubourg School of Ballet Hanover Park, IL Teaches ballet I […]

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