Tag: melanie moore

It’s National Girls and Women in Sports Day: Here Are Some Awesome Women in Dance!

We always love a chance to celebrate women—especially when they’re dancing women. Female artists are powerful, strong, delicate, caring, thoughtful, complex, emotional and compelling. They captivate us with their storytelling and technique. We are so thankful for their willingness to share their gifts with the world! Here’s a list of women (that is in no […]

These Epic “SYTYCD” Throwback Pics Will Blow Your Mind

Bless you, Person Running the “So You Think You Can Dance” Social Accounts. For the past week, that anonymous hero has been taking a fabulous little walk down memory lane, posting pics from seasons past—way past, in some cases. And they’re bringing back alllllll the memories. We literally shrieked when this Season 8 gem popped […]

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