Tag: lauren lovette

At Nantucket Dance Festival, Lauren Lovette and Lauren King Cultivate a Dance Education Community

The Nantucket Dance Festival has entered a new era—with new leaders, big goals, and even bigger impact. Founded in 2007 as a fundraiser for the Nantucket Atheneum, the festival has now embraced a whole new identity as a nonprofit organization with increased dance education ranging from a few master classes to two full days of […]

Salwa Rizkalla on How Hard Work Can Inspire the Next Generation

Salwa Rizkalla’s dance training began at 11 years old in Cairo, Egypt, where she trained in the Vaganova method at the Higher Institute of Ballet. “At the time, Russia and Egypt had a cultural-exchange program in which they sent instructors who were internationally recognized to work with us,” she says. For nine years, Rizkalla attended […]

It’s National Girls and Women in Sports Day: Here Are Some Awesome Women in Dance!

We always love a chance to celebrate women—especially when they’re dancing women. Female artists are powerful, strong, delicate, caring, thoughtful, complex, emotional and compelling. They captivate us with their storytelling and technique. We are so thankful for their willingness to share their gifts with the world! Here’s a list of women (that is in no […]

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