Bless you, Person Running the “So You Think You Can Dance” Social Accounts. For the past week, that anonymous hero has been taking a fabulous little walk down memory lane, posting pics from seasons past—way past, in some cases. And they’re bringing back alllllll the memories.
We literally shrieked when this Season 8 gem popped up in our feed. Check out Melanie Moore and Marko Germar, still in costume for their soon-to-be-iconic “Turn to Stone” Travis Wall routine! This Top 20 crew was announced seven years ago, which is insane.
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And OMG, the baby faces in this Season 4 pic. Katee Shean‘s hair! Comfort Fedoke‘s stank face! Their Top 20 routine premiered almost exactly a decade ago. TEN. YEARS.
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Ready to die a little bit? Here’s the #throwback post to end all #throwback posts: the Season 3 Top 20, in a super-glamorous promo shot from, we kid you not, 2007. Jaimie Goodwin! Neil Haskell! Lauren Gottlieb! Dominic Sandoval! DANNY TIDWELL! (Where did you go, Danny? Where did you gooooooo??)
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Please don’t stop, “SYT” Social Accounts Manager. We can’t even explain how much joy this is bringing us.