Tag: book

Win It! Ballerina Gets Ready

Win It! Ballerina Gets Ready by Allegra Kent illustrated by Catherine Stock 40 pages; $16.95 Former New York City Ballet principal Allegra Kent details the daily life of a ballerina in this brilliantly illustrated book. Your young dancers will love following Iris as she takes on a performance day, from the moment she wakes up […]

Win It! This Very Moment: teaching thinking dancing

This Very Moment: teaching thinking dancing by Barbara Dilley Naropa University Press; 203 pages; $40   Barbara Dilley, former Cunningham and Judson Church dancer, weaves her memoirs into this handbook for movement improvisation and composition practices.   Enter below to win a copy!           [formidable id=91]

Win It! Tallulah's Tap Shoes

Tallulah’s Tap Shoes By Marilyn Singer Illustrated by Alexandra Boiger 48 pages; $16.99   The latest installment in the popular Tallulah series has Tallulah trying something new: tap! If you have students who feel uncomfortable trying new styles, this story demonstrates the rewards of hard work and persistence–all from a plucky protagonist’s point of view.   Enter […]

Win It! Jitterbugs! A Dance-Along Story Inspired by Real American Jitterbugs.

Jitterbugs! A Dance-Along Story Inspired by Real American Jitterbugs. by Margot Toppen and illustrated by Karen Light EduMotion LLC; 32 pages; $17.99 Younger students will love learning about real-life 1930s Lindy Hop dancers George Snowden and Beatrice Gay in this fun, bright storybook. You’ll enjoy the bonus materials (like common core lesson plans) available on […]

Come home Charley Patton

Come home Charley Patton By Ralph Lemon Wesleyan University Press, 2013 240 pages In the final installment of his Geography trilogy, acclaimed modern choreographer, visual artist and author Ralph Lemon documents his artistic process. Come home Charley Patton revolves around a road trip Lemon takes with his daughter as research for his next dance piece, […]

Music Fundamentals for Dance

by Nola Nolen Holland Human Kinetics, 2013 e-book $22, paperback $39 Several textbooks have been written for beginner music theory students, but very few are tailored specifically to dancers. In Music Fundamentals for Dance (123 pages), author Nola Holland, assistant professor of dance and music theory at Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania, relates musical concepts […]

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