Tag: agnes de mille

Joseph Morrissey Has Revitalized the Dance Program at Interlochen Center for the Arts

When Joseph Morrissey first took the helm of the dance division at Interlochen Center for the Arts, a boarding high school in Interlochen, Michigan, he found a fully established pre-professional program with space to grow. And his vision was big, with plans to stage the kind of ambitious repertory he’d experienced during his dance career. […]

5 Books Every Dance Teacher Should Own

American Dance: The Complete Illustrated History by Margaret Fuhrer Voyageur Press; 288 pages; $45 Legendary dancers and choreographers like Fred Astaire, Mikhail Baryshnikov and Martha Graham jump off the pages of this beautiful coffee-table book on the history of American dance, by Dance Spirit editor in chief Margaret Fuhrer. Being a Dancer: Advice from Dancers […]

Teachers’ Tools: Up Close With Nancy Dow

Nancy Dow (right) leading class in a La Sylphide shirt; she plans her wardrobe to spark conversations about dance history with students. Teachers share the philosophies and materials that make them successful in their careers and classes. At Lustig Dance Theatre in New Brunswick, New Jersey, Nancy Dow experiments—almost scientifically—to find the best way to give […]

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