Tag: movie

Watch 3 Works Performed by Balanchine's Last Muse, Suzanne Farrell

With her superb musicality, dramatic skills and go-for-broke speed and risk taking, Suzanne Farrell inspired Balanchine to push the limits of a dancer’s physical capabilities. Together, the pair helped shift ballet into more creative, athletic and abstract territory. “Diamonds” (1967) As part of Balanchine’s three-part plotless ballet Jewels, “Diamonds” was his tribute to imperial Russia […]

The Misty Movie

We dance-lovers have known Misty Copeland is stunning and amazing for years, but the mainstream media is just catching on. This is good news for us, because it means more ballet on TV (her Under Armour ad that stopped the blogosphere in its tracks earlier this month), in books (her New York Times best-selling memoir, Life in Motion) and now, in movies. […]

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