Tag: infinity dance theater

Watch and Learn Kitty Lunn’s Ballet, Graham, and Horton Transpositions for Students With Disabilities

Kitty Lunn is a trailblazer in making dance accessible for people with disabilities. When an accident 35 years ago left the then-professional ballerina paraplegic and using a wheelchair, Lunn took her dance training into her own hands. After six major spinal surgeries and years of daily physical therapy, Lunn returned to open classes at Steps […]

Kitty Lunn Transposes Techniques to Work for Dancers With Disabilities

As a young dancer training with The Washington Ballet, Kitty Lunn fantasized about having a bone transplant. “I was a small person and I wanted to be a tall person,” she says. One day in class, her teacher, dance legend Agnes de Mille, took Lunn’s face in her hands and said, “Kitty, dear, you have […]

Dance/NYC Sheds Light on Dance and Disability

Heidi Latsky Dance Dance/NYC announces a new, three-year disability initiative to increase arts access and inclusion for disabled people. The organization recently released a report, Discovering Disability: Data and NYC Dance, which introduces a call to action on four counts: Expand the scope of dance creation that includes disabled artists; improve dance education for disabled […]

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