Tag: David Dorfman

How Connecticut College's Lisa Race Passes Confidence on to Her Students

Growing up in New Jersey, Lisa Race trained with a memorable dance teacher: Fred Kelly, the younger brother of famous tapper Gene. “Fred would introduce our recitals,” she says. “He would always cartwheel down the stairs.” It wasn’t until years later, when Race was pursuing her master’s degree and chose to write a research paper […]

Dancers Build Community at the DEL Movement Sentence Choir

In February, The Dance Education Laboratory of 92Y Harkness Dance Center hosted the fifth annual DEL Movement Sentence Choir led by noted choreographer David Dorfman, DEL founder Jody Gottfried Arnhold and educator Ann Biddle, with live percussion by Kyle Olsen. Some 70 dancers and teachers from both education and studio settings spent four hours focused […]

9 Teachers Discuss Their Most Frequent Corrections

Dance Teacher asked nine respected instructors to identify the most common technique mistakes they see when addressing a group of students for the first time. Here, they discuss the origins of these problems and offer their best solutions. …crunching their toes. Watmora Casey Artistic Director, Faubourg School of Ballet Hanover Park, IL Teaches ballet I […]

David Dorfman Is NDEO’s Conference Keynote Speaker

David Dorfman teaching at Connecticut College The National Dance Education Organization has announced that David Dorfman will be 2015 Annual National Conference Keynote Speaker. He will speak at the Grand Closing Reception and Dinner, held on Saturday, October 10, 6:30–8:30 pm. Dorfman is a professor and the chair of the dance department at Connecticut College and […]

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