Tag: bournonville

Watch and Learn a Bournonville Grand Jeté With Peter Brandenhoff

Here The Ailey School’s Peter Brandenhoff teaches Bournonville style, marked by its use of épaulement and quick footwork. Brandenhoff explains that at the peak of the grand jeté, it should look as if the torso is sitting atop the legs, unaffected, and the narrow second position of the arms should be presentational—like you’re “giving a […]

Style Matters

Margaret Tracey works on the fundamentals with Boston Ballet School student Daniel Goldsmith. Should your students know their ABCs (Agrippina Vaganova, Bournonville and Cecchetti, that is), or focus on only one ballet technique?   Until about 30 years ago, there were firm do-not-cross lines drawn between the various ballet techniques. Russian dancers, trained in Vaganova […]