Tag: ballet technique

Enrico Cecchetti: Creator of The Cecchetti Method, a Revolutionary Ballet Technique

Enrico Cecchetti created a ballet technique, still widely used today, known for two revolutionary ideas: first, that a dancer’s degree of turnout should be based on his or her normal rotation from the hips; second, that technique should be free of stylistic flourishes and instead focus on pure, strong movement. Cecchetti (1850–1928) was born in […]

Here’s How You Should REALLY Be Celebrating National Frappe Day

Listen up, dance teachers! October 7 is National Frappe Day (the drink), but as dance enthusiasts, we obviously like to celebrate a little differently. We’ve compiled four fun frappé combinations on Instagram for your perusal! You’re welcome! Now, you can thank us by sharing some of your own frappé favs on social media with the […]

Style Matters

Margaret Tracey works on the fundamentals with Boston Ballet School student Daniel Goldsmith. Should your students know their ABCs (Agrippina Vaganova, Bournonville and Cecchetti, that is), or focus on only one ballet technique?   Until about 30 years ago, there were firm do-not-cross lines drawn between the various ballet techniques. Russian dancers, trained in Vaganova […]

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