Tag: anthony morigerato

What My Teacher Taught Me: Makayla Ryan on Tap Dancer and Choreographer Anthony Morigerato

I’ve had the privilege of working with a lot of really wonderful people, but one of the most meaningful teachers in my life is tap dancer and choreographer Anthony Morigerato. I took his class for the first time at Nuvo Dance Convention in 2011 and, soon after that, he started coming to choreograph at my […]

If You Thought Teaching Dance Online Was a Challenge, Try Teaching Tap: Three Tappers Share What Works

Like most educators, I have been teaching online since early March. My undergraduate Dance and Culture course was relatively easy to deliver remotely (as long as I could pre-record lectures while my son was taking a nap), but my tap classes? Not so much. This is because tap is a percussive dance form. Sound matters. […]

Anthony Morigerato Is Fleet of Feet at the #DanceTeacherSummit

Tapper Anthony Morigerato is known for his crazy-fast feet. In fact, he holds the world record for “most tap sounds in one minute”—1,163, if you’re wondering. He has performed with Michael Minery’s Tapaholics, the musical group Matt and Anthony, Stacey Tookey’s Still Motion, and on several television shows. Here in this photo, he’s sharing some […]

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