Dance studios everywhere are looking for new ways to support the latest generation of dancers and dance parents. These Generation Z-ers and millennials need a little extra to hold their attention and keep them coming back to dance class year in and year out.
Aside from strengthening their technique, imbuing their hearts with a passion for dance and helping them cultivate lifelong friendships, here are three small things your studio can do to make these youthful clients happy!
1. Take photos parents and dancers can post on Instagram.
Parents want to post about what their kids are doing—which is great news for you because it’s a free marketing tool. Invest in a good camera, and/or periodically hire someone to come to class to take some shots. Make sure the photographs are high-quality (meaning the parents couldn’t just capture them themselves on their iPhone). Wrap the cost of the photos into your dancers’ monthly tuition, and send the images out as often as possible.
Disclaimer: Be sure your dancers sign a photo release at the beginning of the year.
2. Give your clients access to your playlists.
The age of streaming services has been a blessing for dance teachers for so many reasons—not the least of which is sharing playlists. Dance parents want to know what their dancers are doing in class each week, and sharing the songs they warm up to, go across the floor to, and learn combos to can give parents some insight. Now when you tell your students to practice at home, the parents will have all of their music on their phones in one neat album.
3. Make payment easy online.
Millennial parents don’t want to have to leave the house to make payments at the studio. Create online portals that allow them to stay up to date on their bills without going into the studio each month.
If you’re teaching private lessons, make Venmo or PayPal your best friend. No need to constantly carry wads of cash and checks around. Online payments are fast and easy, and they leave a trail that allows you to see if your dancers are up to date financially.