Tag: wendy perron

The 5 Top Tweets Honoring Trisha Brown

On March 18, the dance community bid farewell to Trisha Brown. After a lengthy illness, the revolutionary postmodern choreographer passed away at age 80. The outpouring of love on social media was abundant. Here are some of our favorite Trisha Brown tweets. Mana Contemporary, a New Jersey-based arts center, posted this gif of Brown’s Watermotor […]

Michelle Dorrance on the Blues

In an exclusive interview with Dance Magazine editor at large Wendy Perron, Michelle Dorrance discussed her current work, The Blues Project, displaying the disarmingly humble demeanor we’ve come to expect and love from the tapper. She is honored and thrilled, she says, to have Dormeshia Sumbry-Edwards and Derick K. Grant co-choreographing The Blues Project with her. […]

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