Tag: maria hanley

Dance Moms: Two Teachers Talk Pregnancy and Motherhood

Balancing life as a working parent is tough—particularly when trying to navigate a physical job like teaching dance. As DanceTeacher+ celebrates Mother’s Day, two teachers talk about the challenges they faced during pregnancy, and adjusting to motherhood in the studio. Trying to Conceive Chicagoan Wendy Park teaches a variety of classes for ages 5 to […]

#ThrowbackThursday: Words of Wisdom from our Dance Teacher Summit Faculty

Our Dance Teacher Summit is nearly here! In honor of #ThrowbackThursday, enjoy these words of wisdom from five Summit faculty members, featured in Dance Teacher over the past year. Anneliese Burns Wilson talked to DT about why using props to teach is helpful. “The more senses you can integrate into the way you teach something, […]

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