Tag: halloween

The Best Use of Your Halloween Candy This Month? Bribery

It’s finally fall, people! Halloween is just around the corner, and we could not be more excited. Halloween brings pumpkin spice back into our lives, along with scary movies, fall leaves and surprisingly elaborate costumes. The best part of Halloween, though? Obviously the candy. The best part of the candy? Using it to bribe your […]

Struggling to recall choreography? Have some chocolate!

A study partially funded Mars candy company suggests chocolate may help preserve memory skills. Trick-or-treat! Great news for you chocoholics. In a recent experiment, 50- to 69-year-olds who consumed cocoa flavanols over the course of three months significantly improved their performance on pattern recognition memory tests. The results suggest that consuming dark chocolate may improve […]

Spooky Studios

Happy Halloween, readers! We asked you to submit photos from your students’ seasonal festivities, and we were impressed to see the results. From town parades to costume class days that raise money for charities, you’ve come up with some inspiring traditions. It may be tough to compete with trick-or-treating, but even if you cancel classes […]

30th Anniversary of “Thriller” Goes Global

MJ and his ghouls have been thrilling fans for three decades! In 1983, “Michael Jackson’s Thriller” made its debut. The John Landis–directed music video features plenty of zombie gore and special effects—including M.J. morphing into a werewolf—as well as the iconic dino-armed undead dance break, co-choreographed by Jackson and Michael Peters. The anniversary makes this […]

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