Tag: creative movement

5 Ways to Begin a Creative Movement Class

Dance teachers love to create an environment that is engaging, collaborative, and productive for student learning. A reliable invitation to begin class, especially in creative movement, can connect students to one another and root them in a sense of purpose and excitement for the movement opportunities that await. Thoughtful consideration for how to begin a […]

Learn This Teacher's Secrets for Holding Preschoolers' Attention

Teaching young dancers ages 3 to 5 can be incredibly fun and rewarding. However, it can quickly turn chaotic during those transitional moments in between activities. Weighing in on the subject is Julie Crothers, a creative movement teacher at Shawl-Anderson Dance Center in Berkeley, California. Here, she shares five tips for keeping in-class transitions seamless […]

4 Albums to Inspire Creative Movement Class

Kids in Action by Greg and Steve; 12 tracks gregandsteve.com With song titles like “Conga Line” and “Can You Leap Like a Frog?”, musicians Greg and Steve offer built-in movement prompts. Engage young imaginations with these dance adventures, including fan favorite “Goin’ on a Bear Hunt.”   More Singable Songs by Raffi; 16 tracks raffinews.com […]

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