Imagine if your studio received a nickel for every dollar your students spent on new dance gear. Sound too good to be true? Dancewear manufacturer Eurotard has launched a program that donates five percent of student purchases back to her studio.
“Our goal is to help fund scholarships, competition travel or theater rentals,” says Eurotard sales and marketing manager Mia Holtzman. “But Eurotard does not sell directly to consumers—we 100 percent support our retailers. So the program is also a way to drive revenue to stores and foster relationships between retailers and dancers.”
Dance studios or groups (both for- and not-for-profit) can register on Eurotard’s website. Students order apparel online and pick up their orders at the nearest dance boutique. Participating studios will receive a check from Eurotard every three months.
Even alumni can help their studios after they’ve left home. “If you’re a freelance dancer affiliated with a school, you indicate which group you’re associated with when you sign onto the website,” says Holtzman.
For details, and to register your studio, visit: