Looking for the Silver Lining: Post-Pandemic Marketing for Dance Studio Owners
April 10, 2020

Plan Ahead Marketing Idea: Boost Boys’ Class Enrollment

How many little (or big) brothers are going to fall in love with dance once they decide to join in or watch an older sibling take virtual class? Strategize now how you’re going to get those cuties into the physical classroom!

Plan Ahead Marketing Idea: Upgrade Your Summer Intensive

No one knows when things will “go back to normal,” but some estimates suggest that some mobility may start happening again in June or July. Either way, that timing makes it extraordinarily difficult for companies and colleges who host traditional summer dance programs to make cohesive plans. What could you do to potentially capitalize on this opportunity to attract homebound advanced students who would normally be traveling and staying in a dorm?

Plan Ahead Marketing Idea: Grow Your Adult Program

You’ve seen moms and dads and grandparents and great aunts joining in helping your dancers. Think about how you can tap into that community and either start or grow your classes for adult dancers.

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