Tag: warm-up

Singer Tinashe's "Ballet Inspired" Warm-Up Has a Few Cringeworthy Moments

Another day, another dance video less-than-professionally executed by a celebrity. This time, it’s singer Tinashe, leading us through a “ballet inspired” warm-up for Allure magazine. It’s clear she’s had some dance training—according to Allure, she grew up as a competitive ballet, tap, jazz and hip-hop dancer—but there are also some clear issues, like heels popping […]

COUNTDOWN TO 2017 #8: Treat Yo'self to Some Me-Time

We’re counting down to January 1st with great ideas for your studio and teaching practice in the new year. Check back each day for a new tip! As a teacher, going to class yourself isn’t always an option. If you’re devoting your full attention to students during class, it’s important to make time to warm yourself up beforehand. […]

Lauren Giordano Curran’s Pre-class Ritual

After doing yoga poses before class, Lauren Giordano Curran likes to warm up with her students. In our April issue’s Health column we asked four teachers what their personal warm-up practices were. Here’s what jazz teacher Lauren Giordano Curran had to say. Lauren Giordano Curran Specializes in jazz for students of all ages at Gus Giordano […]

Suzi Taylor Teaches a Relevé Warm-Up Series

Your browser does not support the video tag. This exercise follows the plié, tendu and dégagé series in Suzi Taylor‘s lyrical jazz class. It helps students manage their ribcage and shoulder alignment, while finding their centers. Taylor trained in Southern California with Douglas Caldwell, Jaime Rogers and Philip and Charles Fuller before moving to New […]

New Research on Stretching

You’ve heard it before: get your blood flowing before you stretch, yet many dancers still arrive to class and immediately plop down into their full splits. If you weren’t already convinced, new research indicates that using static stretches as a warm-up leaves muscles weak and wobbly during the following workout. As particularly bendy athletes, dancers […]

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