Tag: mark kanemura

Mark Kanemura Is Hosting Instagram Dance Parties That You Can Attend While Social Distancing

It’s grim out there right now, as the world comes to grips with the scope of the coronavirus pandemic. But while social distancing efforts may mean canceled dance classes and performances, there are still so many ways to find joy in dance. And nobody combines “joy” and “dance” better than Mark Kanemura, the Instacelebrity and […]

Mark Kanemura Celebrated RuPaul's Hollywood Star in the Most Delightful Way Possible

On Friday night, the iconic RuPaul made history as the first drag queen ever to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. And it didn’t take long for the world’s most fabulous RuPaul fan/one of our favorite human beings, Mark Kanemura, to commemorate his idol’s accomplishment with—naturally—a WALK to end all walks. If […]

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