Tag: american ballet theatre's jacqueline kennedy onassis school

Stella Abrera, the JKO School’s New Acting Artistic Director, Shares Her Hopes and Dreams for the Year Ahead

On June 9, 2022, American Ballet Theatre announced the appointment of former principal dancer Stella Abrera to acting artistic director of the famed Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School for the 2022-23 academic year. The news came as part of a wave of global ballet leadership changes made over the summer, marking a new generation of professionals […]

5 Ways Summer Intensive Auditions Can Help Your Dancers Improve—Even If They Don't Get In

Last year, Kensington MacMillen auditioned for summer programs away from home for the first time. A longtime Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet student, MacMillen had spent previous summers at her home studio, but now she was ready to branch out. After auditioning for three programs, her first response was a rejection from Miami City Ballet. “A […]

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