Ballet Class Blogging: Curbing Post-Holiday Blues
November 29, 2001

Groove with Me’s winter/spring semester officially starts on January 18, but I’m getting antsy! This morning I ran into one of my students on the subway— she (with mom and baby brother) was commuting to school. She’s usually quiet, but her extreme shyness today seemed different. I asked how her winter break had been. “Good…” she mumbled. She was not interested in talking. I realize I didn’t ask a stellar question to engage a 6-year-old, but there might have been something else bugging her: Post-holiday blues.


After a long break filled with excitement, presents and family visits, going back to normal schedules can be a let down. Returning to the routine of school, ballet, homework and sleep isn’t easy, and students can be sluggish and unfocused at first. So to help them adjust and ease back into their grind, Jennifer Anderson offers the following tips:


1. On the first day, lead a discussion about winter break activities. Getting it out of the way at the beginning of class allows students to keep focused the rest of the time.

2. Take it easy to avoid injuries. Students will need refreshers; and remember that most of them haven’t moved at all. Don’t push too hard.

3. Make class especially fun by changing up your warm-up routines, using new music or giving easy combos that they can relax and be inspired to dance again.


To read more of Anderson’s tips to “Beat the Winter Blues,” click here.

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