3 NYC Studios Your Students Can Rent for Rehearsal Space
April 22, 2019

When your students graduate and move to the big city to pursue their dreams, they’ll almost immediately discover that there’s a void left where your studio once was. Not only will they miss your instruction and daily support, but they’ll miss having a physical space to work through challenging movement, polish their technique and improv with no one watching. Help them with their adjustment period by telling them about the studio spaces they can rent out when they need some one-on-one time with the mirror and the music.

Here are five for you to share with them—you’re welcome!

1. Ripley-Grier

92 studios in four locations around NYC.


520 8th Ave.

305 W 38th St.

939 8th Ave.

131 W 72nd St.

Go to their website for prices and booking info.

2. Gibney

23 studios in two locations in NYC.


890 Broadway (Union Square)

280 Broadway (Lower Manhattan)

Go to their website for prices and booking info.

3. Studio Maestro

Three studios in one location in NYC.


48 W 68th St.

Go to their website for prices and booking info.

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