3 Nationals Winners Share the Best Advice Their Dance Teacher Ever Gave Them
August 21, 2019

Nationals season is behind us, but we just aren’t quite over it yet. We’ve been thinking a lot about the freakishly talented winners of these competitions, and want to know a bit more about the people who got them to where they are. So, we asked three current national title holders to tell us the most powerful piece of advice their dance teacher ever gave them. What they have to say will melt your heart.

Way to go, dance teachers! Your’e doing amazing things for the rising generation!

Madison Goodman: NYCDA National Outstanding Dancer

“The best advice my dance teacher has ever given me is to remember that I am enough. All the legs, kicks and tricks are not all that matters, but believing in what you bring to the table and having confidence in your own gifts is. Because when insecurity strikes and comparison begins, it’s hard to get out of that mindset. This piece of advice has really helped me get through tough auditions and classes where it is hard not to look at others and wish for something I don’t have.”

Ellie Wagner: The Dance Awards Las Vegas Senior Best Dancer

“Something my dance teacher has always told me that has changed my dance training is: ‘Be the hardest worker in the room.’ It has made me push myself to keep progressing and by my true self.”

Madison Rouge Alvarado: Radix Senior Core Performer

“The best advice my dance teacher gave me is that you aren’t going to become perfect in one single rehearsal. It takes time, so whatever amount of time you’ve got—use it! Stop stressing about what you don’t have and start killing it with what you do have.”

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