Dance teachers have to deal with a lot. While open communication with your teacher is obviously key, lame excuses for less-than-great behavior are guaranteed to get on her nerves. Always avoid these seven excuses that will 100 percent get your dance teacher’s blood boiling.
“That makes me look silly.”
It’s okay to look less-than-perfect when trying a new combination! TBH, your dance teacher expectsyou to look bad sometimes. It’s the only way to learn.
“I’m so tired.”
Seriously, don’t even try this one. Find that inner strength and energy to power through!
“I can’t come to class today. I made other plans.”
If you’re serious about your dance training and not seriously ill, you’d better be in class.
“Sorry, I just didn’t get a chance to sew my pointe shoes/buy the class uniform/put my hair in a proper bun.”
Come prepared for class, or don’t come.
“This is too hard.”
News flash: Dance IS hard. Please don’t say this to your teacher. HER JOB IS TO CHALLENGE YOU.
“Sorry I’m late!”
In the pro dance world, being late can mean losing your job. Always get to the studio on time.
“There’s a football game tonight, so I need to skip rehearsal.”
Look, it’s good to lead a well-rounded life, but football over dance? What kind of world are we living in?!