Social distancing is hard. But social disDancing is more bearable. Here are eight reasons why we all need more dance in our lives during this disorienting time.
It relieves stress.
Feeling overwhelmed by the news, virtual math class, or just the thought of another day inside? There’s nothing like a good dance session—maybe with Tiler Peck—to clear your head.
It connects us to others.
The proliferation of virtual dance parties right now isn’t a coincidence. We’re all craving personal interaction, and few things facilitate that as well as dancing “alongside” others.
It gets us off the couch.
No, Netflix, I’m not still watching—Zoom dance class starts in 5!
It helps us understand what “six feet apart” really looks like.
We’d collectively be much better at following social distancing guidelines if everyone took a dance class or two. Seriously: Nobody has better spatial awareness than dancers.
It emphasizes the power of ritual.
Maintaining a routine can help create a sense of normalcy during these strange times. And dancers get that: We don’t feel right unless we spend some quality time at the barre (er, kitchen counter) every day.
It gives us a creative outlet.
Our screen-numbed quarantine brains desperately need new stimuli. And what’s more stimulating than learning a new routine, or choreographing a new dance?
It reminds us of the importance of our bodies—and taking care of them.
Dance grounds us in our physical selves, which have never felt more precious.
It’s beautiful.
And in this unsettling time, we all need more beauty in our lives.