Every year, DT honors four outstanding dance educators. Past recipients of the Dance Teacher Awards have included studio owners, professors, program directors and more, whose specialties run the gamut of dance genres. We need your help to find this year’s best in the profession. Do you know a teacher who deserves to be recognized as a leader and role model? (Of COURSE you do! Who first opened your eyes to dance? Who’s mentored you in your own path to becoming a dance teacher? Who saw you hiding in the back row and sought you out after class to take an interest in your dance studies? Who introduced you to modern dance? Who helped you nail fouetté turns?) Nominate him or her for a 2018 Dance Teacher Award!
The nomination process is simple: Click here and fill out the Google Form. That’s it!
If you prefer, you can also email [email protected] with your nomination. Just be sure to include:
1. Award category: Studios and Conservatories; Colleges and Universities; K–12.
2. School or studio name and location, nominee’s position at the institution.
3. Nominee’s contact info.
4. Your relationship to the nominee.
5. In 200 words or less, tell us why this teacher deserves an award. What are his/her leadership qualities, for instance, and list some notable accomplishments. Feel free to include any helpful photos or videos, as well!
DT Awards will be presented at our Dance Teacher Summit in NYC, August 3–5. Nominees must be available to attend.