Here’s something to take away the last of your Monday blues: Earlier this month, two girls got to meet their idol, Misty Copeland, thanks to the Loukoumi Make A Difference Foundation. Taylor Beazer and Annie Rasetina were the winners of the Loukoumi Dream Day Contest, which gives kids the opportunity to spend a day experiencing their dream careers.
Taylor and Annie met Copeland, watched ballet class and a rehearsal at American Ballet Theatre and had Copeland sign a pair of pointe shoes and a Misty Copeland Barbie Doll.
Photo by Jillian Nelson, courtesy of Loukoumi Foundation.
The Loukoumi Dream Day Contest is still accepting entries. To enter, send a cell phone video (recorded horizontally) of a student explaining what he or she wants to be when she grows up and why—in 30 seconds or less. Email videos to [email protected] by May 28. Watch Annie and Taylor talk about their day with Misty below: